Electrical conduit is available in various standard sizes, each suited to specific applications. Understanding electrical conduit sizes and their uses helps you select the appropriate conduit for your electrical project. Here’s a look at the sizes we carry at American Conduit and information on typical applications for each.

1/2 Inch Conduit

Electrical Conduit SizesThe 1/2-inch conduit is the smallest standard size and is commonly used for residential applications. It’s suitable for running a few light circuits, such as lighting and small appliance circuits. Its small diameter makes it easy to install in tight spaces, such as within walls and ceilings.

3/4 Inch Conduit

The 3/4-inch conduit is also frequently used in residential settings. It can accommodate more or larger gauge wires, making it suitable for heavier circuits, such as kitchen appliances or small HVAC units. It is also used in light commercial applications.

1 Inch Conduit

This versatile size is used in both residential and commercial installations. It can handle multiple circuits or larger gauge wires, making it ideal for main service entrance conductors and feeder circuits. It’s also used commercially for branch circuits in offices and retail spaces.

1-1/4 Inch Conduit

This size is typically used in commercial and industrial applications where a higher capacity is required. It can accommodate many wires, making it suitable for large lighting installations, branch circuits, and feeder circuits in commercial buildings.

1-1/2 Inch Conduit

Often used in industrial applications and large commercial installations, the 1-1/2-inch conduit can handle substantial wiring loads and is used for main service entrances, large feeder circuits, and high-capacity branch circuits. It provides ample space for pulling and routing multiple cables.

2 Inch Conduit

The 2-inch conduit is used in industrial and large commercial projects. It can house numerous cables, making it ideal for main service entrances, large feeders, and heavy-duty branch circuits. Its large diameter allows for easy cable pulling and reduces the risk of damage to the wires.

2-1/2 Inch Conduit

This size is typically reserved for industrial applications where high capacity is essential. It’s used for main power feeds, large distribution circuits, and extensive wiring systems, ensuring enough space for multiple cables and reducing the risk of overheating.

3-Inch Conduit

The 3-inch conduit is used in heavy industrial applications and large commercial buildings. It can accommodate many large gauge wires, making it suitable for main distribution lines and major feeder circuits.

4 Inch Conduit

The 4-inch conduit is the largest standard size and is used in extensive industrial and commercial installations. It is suitable for main power distribution, large feeder circuits, and complex wiring systems. Its large diameter provides ample space for pulling multiple cables and ensures adequate heat dissipation.

Flexible Conduit Sizes

Flexible conduit is available in various sizes, typically ranging from 3/8 inch to 4 inches. It is used in applications where rigidity is impractical, such as machinery connections, data centers, and areas requiring frequent wiring reconfiguration.

By selecting the right conduit size, you can accommodate the necessary wiring capacity, promote easy installation, and provide adequate protection for electrical systems. Learn more about electrical conduit sizes by calling American Conduit at 1-800-334-6825 or using our online contact form.